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Muhammad Nahyan Zulfikar
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1 k downloads

Record and listen to Indonesian station Rodja Radio

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Discover RodjaPlayer—an innovative application designed to provide you with a seamless streaming experience of Radio Dakwah. The app stands out by allowing users to actively interact with live talks by sending questions directly through call or SMS. Perfect for those seeking knowledge and looking to engage with content in real-time, RodjaPlayer includes several noteworthy features.

Enhance your understanding of Islam through this platform, which keeps you updated with a current schedule of studies and the number of listeners tuned in. Additionally, it offers practical tools such as a feature for recording ongoing lectures for later review, a compass indicating the direction of Qibla, Islamic prayer schedules coupled with an Adhan reminder, and a processor for managing your recorded study files. Users will also find the Hijri date displayed, adjustable for accuracy by interacting with the calendar.

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Operation is straightforward: initiate streaming with the play button, which continues to run even if you navigate away—the halt streaming via the pause button or by exiting through the menu. Record live streams with the touch of a button, control volume with the SeekBar, and explore additional features by accessing the device menu. The game intelligently caches streaming data, ensuring continuity.

Activating the Adhan reminder is a breeze, continuously updating the prayer schedule after Isha. An accurate Adhan sound ensures users never miss a prayer—just ensure the volume bar is appropriately set. Plus, fine-tune prayer times by long-pressing on the schedule, making corrections as needed.

Designed to cater to users across a broad range of Android platforms, RodjaPlayer is a versatile and user-centric game that not only enriches your spiritual journey but does so with the convenience and functionality that enhances daily observance and learning.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 10.4 Tiger or higher required

Information about RodjaPlayer 1.3

Package Name org.radiorodja.personal
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
Author Muhammad Nahyan Zulfikar
Downloads 1,012
Date Apr 20, 2015
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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